Ukuran Bohlam Lampu Belakang Suzuki Karimun: Panduan Lengkap

Suzuki Karimun is a popular car in Indonesia. Its stylish design and affordable price make it a popular choice. However, many Suzuki Karimun car owners are not aware of the size of the bulb needed for the taillights. In this article, we provide a complete guide to the size of the taillight bulb for Suzuki Karimun.

Ukuran Bohlam Lampu Belakang Suzuki Karimun

The taillight of Suzuki Karimun car has two bulb types. The first bulb is for the brake and turn signal, while the second is for the reverse light. The taillight bulbs for Suzuki Karimun are as follows:

  • Brake and turn signal bulb: 7443 (dual filament)
  • Reverse light bulb: 921 (single filament)

Make sure to note down these sizes before replacing the bulbs. It is advisable to replace the bulbs in pairs, i.e., replace both brake and turn signal bulbs together, and the reverse light bulbs together.

Cara Mengganti Bohlam Lampu Belakang Suzuki Karimun

Here are the steps to replace the taillight bulb for Suzuki Karimun:

  1. Open the trunk lid and locate the back of the taillight assembly.

  2. On the taillight assembly, you will see some plastic tabs. These tabs need to be pushed inwards to release the taillight assembly from the car body.

  3. After releasing the tabs, gently pull out the taillight assembly from the body.

  4. Locate the bulb holder for the required bulb that needs to be replaced.

  5. Rotate the bulb holder in counterclockwise direction to remove it from the taillight assembly.

  6. Remove the old bulb and replace it with the new one.

  7. Insert the bulb holder back, and rotate it clockwise to lock it in place.

  8. Put the taillight assembly back into the car body and push it in until it clicks into place.

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By following these steps, you can easily replace the taillight bulb for Suzuki Karimun.


It is crucial to know the size of the bulb needed for the taillights of your Suzuki Karimun. By following this guide, you can replace the taillight bulb easily and with confidence. Remember to replace both bulbs at once and keep the spares in your car for emergencies.

Happy Driving with your Suzuki Karimun!

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About the author

Agung David adalah seorang pria yang memiliki gairah yang mendalam terhadap dunia otomotif, khususnya dalam bidang kendaraan mobil. Sejak kecil, Agung sudah menunjukkan ketertarikannya terhadap mobil dan segala hal yang berkaitan dengan mekanika kendaraan. Ketertarikan awalnya berkembang menjadi keahlian yang mendalam, dan kini ia diakui sebagai salah satu ahli otomotif terkemuka di bidangnya.

Agung telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun berkecimpung di dunia otomotif, mempelajari berbagai jenis kendaraan dan mengasah keterampilannya dalam perbaikan dan modifikasi. Ia memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang mesin, sistem kelistrikan, dan komponen-komponen penting lainnya yang membuat kendaraan berfungsi dengan baik.

Selain sebagai ahli otomotif, Agung juga merupakan seorang kolektor mobil klasik. Ia memiliki kecintaan yang mendalam terhadap mobil-mobil dengan nilai sejarah dan estetika yang tinggi. Agung memiliki koleksi mobil klasik yang langka dan berharga, dan ia senang berbagi pengetahuannya tentang sejarah dan keunikan mobil-mobil tersebut dengan orang lain.